Unintended Sabbaticals

Unintended Sabbaticals

Sometimes your USB port doesn’t work on your computer and as we all know, blogs without pictures suck.  But have no fear, we have returned with visual aids for your ocular pleasure!  On to pinball my friends! Lots to report so lets just take it game by game and I’ll run through it fast: Monopoly … Continue reading

Triumphs and Failures

Triumphs and Failures

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. ” -Theodore Roosevelt I think one sign of intellect is knowing when … Continue reading

Rampin’ up and out..

Rampin’ up and out..

Day 17:  Ramp ramp ramp.. finally the ramp is done.  Sanded down the epoxy, spray painted the orange (2 coats), taped it off and then hand painted the black.  Reinstalled.  It’s not “new” but I think it turned out pretty well.  Note:  If you’re going to spray paint something like a ramp, wipe it down … Continue reading