Haley’s, Katrina, and Car Chases

Day.. ah hell, I don’t even know how long this Comet has been in my garage now.. 23 days? 25 days?  Too long.

I added a few shots of the hacked board work that I started with.  Replaced the lamp matrix connector that was toasted and replaced the GI connector and all the lamps work great.  On to the switch matrix, I replaced the toasted and missing transistor along with the toasted and missing resistors and the two resistor banks.  Little before and after:

But she still doesn’t work.  Column 5, which is what the missing transistor and resistor controlled, works great.  Column 4 however, where the resistor is toasted (the brown striped thing in the left picture, count 4 over from the left), anyway Column 4 has issues.  Whenever ANY switch in column 4 is pressed the entire row activates, which is a huge problem because nearly every row has at least 1 Tilt attached to it.. so the game tilts constantly.  So the next thing up the chain is U45, which is that chip to the left of the resistors, got it on order.. moving on…

So on to the special solenoids.. wow these are jacked up..

So all this is now cleaned up and a bunch of transistors replaced but it’s still having issues, on to the next item up the chain, two more ICs (chips) U6 and U7.. on order.

So in the meantime waiting for these parts to arrive I got another one lined up in the queue.  Getaway High Speed 2.  Only 1 pic so far.. has some issues, nothing too crazy.

And I got started on the Whirlwind.  All the ramps are removed, most of the playfield has been cleaned up, replaced the center spinner decals.  Work in progress, much nicer than the Comet though.

More work on Whirlwind tonight…

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